In my recent post about the Central Illinois tornado that did a lot of damage on November 17 ("Where is God When a Tornado Hits?") I listed a number of resources that can help individuals and church groups work through what they are going through: a sermon, a list of Scriptures, and a list of books to read about suffering and the existence of evil.
But I left one vital part of life out: music.
Music can bring us much comfort in times of suffering and questioning. It can also carry us truth in the form of a sweet melody.
While I would certainly recommend singing the great hymns of the church in times like these ("It is Well With My Soul", "This is My Father's World", "How Great Thou Art") I am not going to specifically recommend those right now. Instead, I will be offering some songs that have really been there with me in my darkest times (sorry, most of them are Rich Mullins songs!). Let me apologize right up front for cheesy Christian videos and even some cheesy Christian music--please try to see the deeper truths and deeper beauty contained in these songs.
First off, I think everyone should should be listening to and praying along with the music from the Taize community. Oftentimes the lyrics come directly from Scripture. Here's an example, from my favorite Taize album Songs of Taize--Oh Lord Here My Praye & My Soul is at Rest (Volume 1), a song called "Jesus, Remember Me"
The rest of the songs I will just list.
Related Articles:
Singing Over Our Children
Where is God When a Tornado Hits?
Reflections on the Death of Moses
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